S6 Graduation Ceremony 2023-2024

Our school’s S.6 Graduation Ceremony was successfully held at Lut Sau Hall on Wednesday, 5 June 2024. After tackling the HKDSE Examinations with strenuous efforts, the S.6 graduates gathered together, beaming with radiance, to celebrate this significant milestone of their learning journey. With the honourable presence of the Principal, Assistant Principals, teachers and parents, graduates shared the joy of completing their secondary school life.

The ceremony commenced with a speech by Principal WOO, who congratulated the graduates on completing their secondary education and embarking on a new chapter in their lives. She encouraged them to uphold their beliefs and face any challenges that may come their way with determination. She also expressed her hope that they would contribute to society by applying the knowledge they acquired from their alma mater. She wholeheartedly wished the graduates a prosperous future. Following her speech, the respective S.6 class teachers announced the list of graduating students. The S.6 students, dressed in graduation gowns with coloured stoles representing their Houses, proceeded onto the stage one by one, receiving their graduation certificates from Principal WOO and taking group photos together.

Subsequent to the certificate presentation was the vote of thanks proposed by POON Ka-hang, the student representative from Class 6A. He expressed his gratitude to teachers and staff for their unfailing support and care throughout their secondary school life. He especially acknowledged the Principal for implementing various policies that provided a quality campus life for students. He also thanked teachers for their passionate instruction and uplifting encouragement, which helped them gain confidence and resilience to overcome the challenges of growth. Lastly, he expressed his heartfelt appreciation to graduates’ parents and families for being their staunch supporters. He firmly believed that all graduates would uphold the school motto of ‘Wisdom’ ‘Virtue’, ‘Honesty’ and ‘Progress’ which are indispensable values and attributes for their future.

After graduates’ singing of the school song, the graduation ceremony drew to a close with jubilance. Congratulations to all graduates! May we hope that they would become the incandescent stars of tomorrow that our school takes pride in!


Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.