School Commencement Ceremony 2021-2022

The Commencement of School Ceremony on 1st September marked the beginning of the school year in a ‘New Normal’ style. S1 and S2 students joined the ceremony in the hall while S3 to S6 students were watching live broadcast in their homerooms.

Our Principal, Ms. WOO, first introduced herself and the new teachers in the ceremony. She welcomed all S.1 students to join our school and looked forward to having a fruitful year with all parties. She then explained to   students this year’s School motto, ‘To Strive, To Grow, To Serve’. She reminded students a good beginning is halfway to success. To accomplish the other half, students need to Strive, to Grow and to Serve as well.

Ms. WOO thanked the hard work of teachers last year and also congratulated the S6 graduates who did well in the HKDSE 2021. She announced that the overall passing percentage was 96% and 63% of our graduates were offered local university degrees.

Ms. WOO concluded her speech by restating our school motto, To strive, To grow, To serve. She encouraged all students to strive for improvement, grow for excellence, and serve for betterment.


Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.